Hummingbird Clearwing Hemaris thysbe (A hummingbird moth) | 23 July 2017 |
Over 10 years have passed without my putting up any new hummingbird clearwing (Hemaris thysbe) moth photos, and any clearwing is simply amazing, especially when I can photograph them from the convenience of my backyard.
The first has a hummingbird clearwing approaching bee balm (and a good nectar source). |
The second - taken at a higher speed in bright light - shows wing detail of the hummingbird clearwing. |
The third is a motion blur - taken at a slow speed under weak light - of the hummingbird clearwing. |
The final view is a full frontal, showing the staring hummingbird clearwing. |
My text for that last photo is the tempting, "Here's looking at ya."
Photography note: The photos were taken with a Pentax K3, with the Pentax SMC-A* 200mm macro lens, during July 2017.