The eastern bluebird (Sialia sialis) is a small perching bird with a large personality. I've included a few more "normal" photographs of bluebirds earlier, but following is a photo series showing one bluebird coming to terms with himself (since if I'm interpreting my field guides correctly, a female bluebird would have white feathers under the chin).
A feather seems out of place . . .
Sigh and puff . . . and off to work.
Yoga helps.
And a backward wing flip.
That drat feather still isn't correct.
Shake those feathers!
Okay, I'm done.
No, I'm not done! Time for Round 2.
And that was one busy and industrious bluebird!
Photo note: I used a Pentax K20D, with the Sigma 150-500mm lens, on November 10, 2010, for these photos.