Funny how the years can pass, and it never occurred to me to put up any broad-winged hawk (Buteo platypterus) photos on a separate page. Well, broadwings are not particularly common in central Pennsylvania, but during spring and fall migration, they are well reprsesented.
Broad-winged hawks, or broadwings in the more familiar, are chunky, crow-sized hawks. An adult is easy to spot because of the broad black and white bands at the end of its tail.
Even at a distance, the black and white bands are highly visible, especially if there happens to be any sunlight.
During spring and fall migration, the broadwings travel together in large groups, called kettles. Over at Jo Hays Vista, one's likely to see groups of twenty or thirty broadwings at a time. In the image below, a kettle is taking advantage of a thermal to rise higher in the air.