Today’s accomplishment is to have my latest novel (and available via a link), Thora’s Dagger, in the right-hand portion of my blog. Considering how I’m feeling my way around starting a blog, I’m pleased by that. My next step will be how to have photos or artwork available in the main portion of my blog.
Congratulations! You’re new to the agony of WordPress blogging, and John McCormick tells me it’s infinitely (and needlessly!!) more complex and difficult than google blogging, yet I know of nobody who’s blogging via Google. So why the enduring popularity of WordPress, with its “jetpacks” and HTML and coding horrors…. I still haven’t learned to do the kind of formatting you’ve done here, and I’ve been with WordPress for years.
Now to get back into the habit of writing book reviews… Amazon punished me so ludicrously and horribly, I may never again review like I once did.
Many thanks, Carol! And you’re the very first person to comment too. Wow!
To tell the truth, I didn’t know that Google has set up a blogging system; I simply went with what I saw that most bloggers (who I’ve bookmarked) were using, which is WordPress. Difficult? Sure! What isn’t difficult in the beginning?
My own knowledge of html dates back to many years, and I haven’t kept up with any new developments. I thought via blogging I could skip html, which is what I thought blogging was all about.
Funny that you think I know more than you, especially since I was going to ask you a ton of questions except you were away this past weekend.
You’ve a wonderful talent for reviews, and I do hope you don’t lose the faith but keep up with it!