Monthly Archives: September 2022
A ruby-throated hummingbird makes a discover
Late summer through early fall is that time when ruby-throated hummingbirds come through central Pennsylvania in large numbers. Among those who stop in my backyard at Cooper’s Pond there is always at least one individual.
From a Sunday walk
Here we are, on the precipice of WWIII, if not already falling downward, about which I and most everyone have no say whatsoever. However, I can share my views of nature from photos taken during my walk on Sunday morning.
A monarch emerging
About ten days after a monarch caterpillar forms its chrysalis, it is ready to come out and face the world – as a butterfly.
A tiger swallowtail
In central Pennsylvania, I’m likely to encounter an eastern tiger swallowtail (Papilio glaucus) from late spring through early fall, and that’s a true pleasure because it is a large and beautiful butterfly.
Aphrodite in my backyard
That is, an Aphrodite fritillary (Speyeria aphrodite), a large and beautiful butterfly. It came to dine on the black knight butterfly bush and allowed several different views.
A ruby-throated hummingbird
In addition to this being a good year for hummingbird moths, hummingbirds have also been frequent visitors. From about the last half of August to the first nine days of September, whenever I looked outside, I saw a ruby-throated hummingbird … Continue reading
A snowberry clearwing
Of the two hummingbird-style moths in central Pennsylvania (that is, the snowberry and the hummingbird), the snowberry is the smaller of the two, having a body size equivalent to a large bumblebee.
Excerpts from Gilded Basilisk reviews
My goal is twofold here, as I continue to learn about blogging. The overall goal, obviously, is to present a few excerpts from reviews which The Gilded Basilisk has received. The other goal is to see how well I fare … Continue reading
A red squirrel
The eastern red squirrel is the acrobat of the squirrel world, and, photographically speaking, I have the advantage of a nearby tree opposite my living room (in State College, Pennsylvania) sliding doors to have a good view of red activities. … Continue reading
Today’s accomplishment is to have my latest novel (and available via a link), Thora’s Dagger, in the right-hand portion of my blog. Considering how I’m feeling my way around starting a blog, I’m pleased by that. My next step will … Continue reading