Author Archives: Chet Gottfried
A walk at night
On Saturday, February 1, the night was particularly clear, along with a crescent moon and nearby Venus. What better way to avoid thinking about world disasters than by seeing something beautiful and eternal: the night sky.
A pileated woodpecker family
Given the dire state of the world, I thought to begin the New Year with something attractive: A photo sequence of a pileated woodpecker family.
World insanity
A friend and I were discussing the sad events in West Asia (otherwise known as the Middle East) and Ukraine, and he had the best one-paragraph summary of the whole situation: Events in the Middle East and Ukraine continue to … Continue reading
The Dust Settles
Well, that’s the end of another US presidential election, thank goodness. The result, if such things matter: I’m glad that Harris lost, and I regret that Trump won.
A Presidential Election
This is the single most depressing U.S. presidential election. Neither candidate rises above dismal, and in the end it doesn’t matter which face is elected. The country is run by those folks who hide behind their money.
A ruby-throated hummingbird
On September 21, my Rose of Sharon, butterfly bush, and hummingbird mint all had blooms, and an immature male ruby-throated hummingbird took advantage of all the flowers.
Tree frogs: Spring peepers
Perhaps one of the merriest sounds of spring are all the choruses of spring peepers as they awake into their new year. And although spring peepers are their official name, spring peepers have their local name of “autumn peepers” when … Continue reading
Summer Butterflies
The world remains in a dreadful mess or is becoming worse. Inasmuch as I can do nothing about that, here instead is something of beauty: large butterflies from the summer this year.
A Summer of Hummingbird Moths
This has been a particularly good year for hummingbird moths (or hummingbird clearwings) to visit my backyard.
A Day of Hummingbirds
Despite the world situation, every so often I have a good day, particularly with photography and, in this instance, with the migration of ruby-throated hummingbirds.