I haven’t posted anything for three-quarters of a year, a very long time. But how the world has changed. Julian Assange is free, at long last, and, unfortunately, we are on the verge of World War III, thanks in good part to efforts by the United States. What can one do about that? I’ve no idea, but it may be a good idea to enjoy seeing nature – as long as we’re able to do so. Following are several macro photos from a recent walk of mine.

Touch-me-not (or jewelweed) flowers are not only pretty but useful. Deep within the flower are seeds which – when crushed – make a convenient salve against irritations, such as bug bites.

Goldenrod flowers bloom during late summer and during autumn and are the food source of preference for bees and butterflies and other insects.

The tiny azure butterfly is bluish on the top of its wings, a position it doesn’t take too often. In flight, it looks like a winking blue flying above the ground.

The red-spotted purple is a swallowtail (butterfly) mimic, taking advantage of the swallowtail’s reputation for not tasting too good.
With any luck, my next post will not take three-quarters of a year before appearing.