Tag Archives: wildlife
A bald eagle release
The previous Sunday, on January 15, I participated (as a photographer) in the release of a young bald eagle, born in the previous year. Robyn Graboski, the director of Centre Wildlife Care, was responsible for rehabbing the eagle so that … Continue reading
A Sunday Walk
My inactivity has two reasons: (1) laziness and (2) my provider (Hub) was switching accounts (including mine) to a new server. Whatever, I’m back with photos from Oct. 9, 2022, a good day to be outside.
A snowberry clearwing
Of the two hummingbird-style moths in central Pennsylvania (that is, the snowberry and the hummingbird), the snowberry is the smaller of the two, having a body size equivalent to a large bumblebee.
A red squirrel
The eastern red squirrel is the acrobat of the squirrel world, and, photographically speaking, I have the advantage of a nearby tree opposite my living room (in State College, Pennsylvania) sliding doors to have a good view of red activities. … Continue reading