Tag Archives: blossoms
A ruby-throated hummingbird
On September 21, my Rose of Sharon, butterfly bush, and hummingbird mint all had blooms, and an immature male ruby-throated hummingbird took advantage of all the flowers.
Celebrating Bees
Bees are one of the joys of the landscape and provide so much that is good, whether the honeybee’s honey or whether being the subject of macro photography. Today is a day for the latter: bee photos!
After a While
I haven’t posted anything for three-quarters of a year, a very long time. But how the world has changed. Julian Assange is free, at long last, and, unfortunately, we are on the verge of World War III, thanks in good … Continue reading
It’s time for hummingbirds
Autumn migration is underway for hummingbirds, and for Pennsylvania that means the ruby-throated hummingbird (Archilochus colubris). Consequently, I have many and excellent opportunities to photograph them. Of course it helps to have a pollinator garden and/or a hummingbird feeder. I … Continue reading
A hummingbird clearwing
Since a snowberry clearwing featured in my previous post, I thought it fair to have a hummingbird clearwing (Hemaris thysbe) be the subject of this one. A hummingbird clearwing is the larger of the two hummingbird-type moth, about half again … Continue reading
From a Sunday walk
Here we are, on the precipice of WWIII, if not already falling downward, about which I and most everyone have no say whatsoever. However, I can share my views of nature from photos taken during my walk on Sunday morning.
A snowberry clearwing
Of the two hummingbird-style moths in central Pennsylvania (that is, the snowberry and the hummingbird), the snowberry is the smaller of the two, having a body size equivalent to a large bumblebee.