Tag Archives: butterfly
Summer Butterflies
The world remains in a dreadful mess or is becoming worse. Inasmuch as I can do nothing about that, here instead is something of beauty: large butterflies from the summer this year.
After a While
I haven’t posted anything for three-quarters of a year, a very long time. But how the world has changed. Julian Assange is free, at long last, and, unfortunately, we are on the verge of World War III, thanks in good … Continue reading
A Zabulon skipper
A Zabulon skipper (Lon zabulon) is a smallish butterfly but average as far as skippers go. I consider it to be thumbnail size. I come across one in central Pennsylvania about every other year, but this season was different since … Continue reading
Monarch color
By “monarch color” I don’t mean “typical” monarch photos (which, incidentally, I love to take) but a different category altogether. The following photos make use of different angles and lighting conditions to present artful monarchs.
A tiger swallowtail
The tiger swallowtail (Papilio glaucus) is one of the largest North American butterflies, and the following photos are all from my backyard. Theoretically, this particular tiger swallowtail is a male (because of the bright yellow), whereas the females are darker … Continue reading
From a Sunday walk
Here we are, on the precipice of WWIII, if not already falling downward, about which I and most everyone have no say whatsoever. However, I can share my views of nature from photos taken during my walk on Sunday morning.
A monarch emerging
About ten days after a monarch caterpillar forms its chrysalis, it is ready to come out and face the world – as a butterfly.
A tiger swallowtail
In central Pennsylvania, I’m likely to encounter an eastern tiger swallowtail (Papilio glaucus) from late spring through early fall, and that’s a true pleasure because it is a large and beautiful butterfly.
Aphrodite in my backyard
That is, an Aphrodite fritillary (Speyeria aphrodite), a large and beautiful butterfly. It came to dine on the black knight butterfly bush and allowed several different views.