Red squirrels often shout, curse, or complain, but they don’t beg.
Continue readingA celebration of bumblebees
Actually, it is a celebration just as much of thistle flowers, on which bees of all types and butterflies both dine on – in terms of gathering pollen and/or nectar. They leave the flowers as beautiful as on first arrival.
Continue readingA great egret in flight
Whereas a green heron in flight is aerodynamically superb, a great egret in flight is something else: extra long feathers, neck, legs, and toes. But however strange, in flight a great egret is remarkably graceful, beauty on wing.
Continue readingA green heron in flight
While I continue to fall further and further behind everything that I want to do, I thought a simple yet visually pleasing post would do well: a green heron in flight.
Continue readingA barred owl release
On May 19, 2023, I photographed the release of a barred owl, who I nicknamed Bob (or, if you prefer to be more formal, Robert). The release for Centre Wildlife Care was carried out by Faith and her husband Tony. (Incidentally, Tony literally did the carrying that evening.)
Continue readingA Green Heron
Typically, in early spring, the local green heron (unless there is more than one, which is very possible) and I play a simple game by the Toftrees pond. As soon as I see it, the heron flies away, generally low and close to the pond surface. Inevitably that puts bushes and trees between the heron and me, making photography next to impossible.
However, for whatever reason, on a day in late April, the green heron ignored me. Actually, I didn’t catch sight of it until after I had already walked past the bird. But I made up for lost time, photographically speaking.
Continue readingApple Blossoms
In continuing with spring blossoms, the next four photos are from a somewhat nearby apple tree in the Toftrees game land, my favorite strolling place since it is, more or less, right next door to where I live.
Continue readingDogwood Blossoms
Dogwood blossoms are unique, which is another way of saying that they’re easy to identify. The blossoms are also beautiful.
I took the first two photos after a walk in the game land (the tree is close to my front door), and I had ideal weather, a bright blue sky that helps show off the blossoms.
Continue readingSpring Blossoms
I’ve been rather quiet of late if for good reason, and I had intended to remain quiet for a while longer while I recover my strength, but there is something about spring blossom photos that enliven the soul. The following are cherry blossoms.
Continue readingA bald eagle release
The previous Sunday, on January 15, I participated (as a photographer) in the release of a young bald eagle, born in the previous year. Robyn Graboski, the director of Centre Wildlife Care, was responsible for rehabbing the eagle so that it could be released. The first stop was at a flight cage where the bald eagle had been exercising, developing its wings to be capable of living in the wild.
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