About ten days after a monarch caterpillar forms its chrysalis, it is ready to come out and face the world – as a butterfly.
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About ten days after a monarch caterpillar forms its chrysalis, it is ready to come out and face the world – as a butterfly.
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In central Pennsylvania, I’m likely to encounter an eastern tiger swallowtail (Papilio glaucus) from late spring through early fall, and that’s a true pleasure because it is a large and beautiful butterfly.
Continue readingThat is, an Aphrodite fritillary (Speyeria aphrodite), a large and beautiful butterfly. It came to dine on the black knight butterfly bush and allowed several different views.
Continue readingIn addition to this being a good year for hummingbird moths, hummingbirds have also been frequent visitors. From about the last half of August to the first nine days of September, whenever I looked outside, I saw a ruby-throated hummingbird feeding, either at hyssop, butterfly bush, or the rose of Sharon blossoms.
Continue readingOf the two hummingbird-style moths in central Pennsylvania (that is, the snowberry and the hummingbird), the snowberry is the smaller of the two, having a body size equivalent to a large bumblebee.
Continue readingMy goal is twofold here, as I continue to learn about blogging. The overall goal, obviously, is to present a few excerpts from reviews which The Gilded Basilisk has received. The other goal is to see how well I fare with visually setting up quotes. And here we go: Presenting four review excerpts (taken from Amazon reviews):
Continue readingThe eastern red squirrel is the acrobat of the squirrel world, and, photographically speaking, I have the advantage of a nearby tree opposite my living room (in State College, Pennsylvania) sliding doors to have a good view of red activities. (This also happens to be my test for adding photos to a post as well as working out the miracle of the “read more” button.)
Continue readingToday’s accomplishment is to have my latest novel (and available via a link), Thora’s Dagger, in the right-hand portion of my blog. Considering how I’m feeling my way around starting a blog, I’m pleased by that. My next step will be how to have photos or artwork available in the main portion of my blog.
Hey! I’m feeling pretty good about inserting my own photo into the banner/header (or whatever one calls the graphic at the top of a blog), as well as having an “about me” page. So what’s next? Perhaps to write something more substantial, or at least to think of a method to have my novels appear in a right-hand column. Anyway, today was progress, with the expectation of more to come.
Given the choice of showing this blog under construction (and all the stupid animations saying as much) and stumbling forward, I think I rather stumble forward.