Tag Archives: wildlife
A pileated woodpecker family
Given the dire state of the world, I thought to begin the New Year with something attractive: A photo sequence of a pileated woodpecker family.
A ruby-throated hummingbird
On September 21, my Rose of Sharon, butterfly bush, and hummingbird mint all had blooms, and an immature male ruby-throated hummingbird took advantage of all the flowers.
Tree frogs: Spring peepers
Perhaps one of the merriest sounds of spring are all the choruses of spring peepers as they awake into their new year. And although spring peepers are their official name, spring peepers have their local name of “autumn peepers” when … Continue reading
After a While
I haven’t posted anything for three-quarters of a year, a very long time. But how the world has changed. Julian Assange is free, at long last, and, unfortunately, we are on the verge of World War III, thanks in good … Continue reading
A tiger swallowtail
The tiger swallowtail (Papilio glaucus) is one of the largest North American butterflies, and the following photos are all from my backyard. Theoretically, this particular tiger swallowtail is a male (because of the bright yellow), whereas the females are darker … Continue reading
A hummingbird clearwing
Since a snowberry clearwing featured in my previous post, I thought it fair to have a hummingbird clearwing (Hemaris thysbe) be the subject of this one. A hummingbird clearwing is the larger of the two hummingbird-type moth, about half again … Continue reading
Red squirrels don’t beg
Red squirrels often shout, curse, or complain, but they don’t beg.
A great egret in flight
Whereas a green heron in flight is aerodynamically superb, a great egret in flight is something else: extra long feathers, neck, legs, and toes. But however strange, in flight a great egret is remarkably graceful, beauty on wing.
A green heron in flight
While I continue to fall further and further behind everything that I want to do, I thought a simple yet visually pleasing post would do well: a green heron in flight.
A barred owl release
On May 19, 2023, I photographed the release of a barred owl, who I nicknamed Bob (or, if you prefer to be more formal, Robert). The release for Centre Wildlife Care was carried out by Faith and her husband Tony. … Continue reading