Centre Wildlife Care
Artwork & cartoons
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Flash/javascript games
Free tiles | Pipes
Places & photos
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Writing & DTP

Contents of This Site

New Stuff
Feb. 7   On a beautifully clear night, I had a walk outside and took long-exposure photos of stars, trees, the crescent moon, and Venus..
Jan. 6   I thought to begin the New Year with something happy: A pileated woodpecker family at my suet feeder.
    And 2025 means that my site has been on the web for 30 years. That must mean something, but I don't know exactly what.
Oct. 27   A photo squence of what was probably my last ruby-throated hummingbird of the year.
13   Photographic praise of spring and/or autumn peepers.
6   Three large butterflies from this summer.
    I've begun updating my links page, Way Out, to include some of my favorite sources of alternative news.
Sept. 24   A photo review of the summer's hummingbird moths, with a particular focus on a September visitor.
14   I had an excellent day photographing hummingbirds last week, and today's post includes many photos of the wonderful hummers.
8   Bee macros are the subject of my new post today. Why? In brief, bees are wonderful.
2   A day over three-quarters of a year have passed since my previous post. How does that happen? Whatever, I'm back with a new post of several macros from a recent walk outside.


The alien . . . The Biden advantage (2020) Bushwacks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Bill and Hillary Clinton censured and his dress stain Feline and revolutionary Gateway to heaven Hillary Clinton, voting for Hillary, and her Cookoff Luck My Newtbook (many of 'em) $500 billion bailout Florida elections Remember! Saddam Hussein Award for Democracy The stain A thoughtful pair Westward, a tour thru the U.S. Zorro discovers Viagra

My Natty Newtson series (begins here)

Paintings (computer & traditional):
Birthday landscapes Bluebird of happiness Castlerigg Stone Circle Copying portraits A Fantasy Some Flowers Knife and paper towel Sue portraits Swans Two Lake District watercolors Wet landscapes

Pen & inks:
Driven graphics Frentic graphics Two pleasant and two unpleasant drawings skeletal humor vole and wave Wooden personality  

3D artwork & videos:
Allosaur skull Fantasy pipes (several pages) A Viking ship (with AVI) and some historical info Amundsen's ship Gjøa, Videos (with links by browser) Streaming video The Red Spot  


As an artist Defining moment First monitor For a few inches more Her new tail [George] Mouse scratching post Not mom On a roll Presence with presents Standing Treats

George (the kitten): Coming of age

Lucy: Reflections Lucy and Mom Bear

Escort service The Persian in the sun Saying hello

Moonshadow (Street urchin):    In the crater

Free graphics

Bar none (lines/rules) Flash clip art: Color-changing, 3d bars Geometric tiles (vivid) Real textures from Dino National Monument and the Petrified Forest

Javascript & Flash
Note: All my frames--if used--are anguish-free: you leave, they go.

Lands of Woz

Books by Robert Woznicki, world traveler and historian

Pipes & tobacco

Ben Wades and more Paul Bonaquisti Tim Fuller Mark Tinsky My own design Le Nuvole Obtaining Condor Odds and ends (pipes) Pipe smoking and links 3D pipe cutaway Tobacco reviews

Places & Photos

Bryce Canyon: sunset and lightning, Fairyland castle, Along the rim to Fairyland Point, By moonlight, Trees, Bryce Point, western chipmunk, golden mantled ground squirrel, Steller's jay Kodachrome Basin: Lizards, Bees Petrified Forest National Park Zion National Park, Zion mule deer Petroglyphs Remembering the Red Fleet dinosaur trackway

Capitol Reef National Park:
Hickman Natural Bridge and trail Puzzle: anomaly or dino track? Three lizards Yellow-bellied marmot Goblin Valley State Park

Dinosaur National Monument:
The Quarry Juniper + personality Textures of silence Gopher snake and petroglyph: video (2.2 megs) or stills

Grasmere (Cumbria, England):
Light moods Mountain sheep Misty walks one and two My first fellwalk A stroll to Calf Crag Herdwick video or still Sunrise 20mm views by High Raise Twilight on Silver How Walking in weather

A horse ride Snorri's quotable line A stroll thru Akureyri The 10-hour tour Whooping swans and love

Cooper's Pond (State College, Pennsylvania), 2004-
At the bird feeder: A list of my PA bird pages (with text and photos)

Butterflies and moths: A list of my PA butterfly pages (with text and photos) as well as some moths (including hummingbird clearwings)

Raising Monarchs: 2019 (expansive); our last monarch of 2020: Meadow takes flight.

Bronty the groundhog; Baby groundhog and leaf
Squirrels: Eastern chipmunks at work and play; Captain AC Chipmunk; Arboreal chipmunk; Chipmunk fight; Chipmunk plus leaf: A disappearing act;
Gray squirrels, Gone with the Corn, Gray stretch, Tiny Scoiattolo Jr., Dashing through snow, Mom and her two babies, In honor of Squirrel Appreciation Day, Jan. 23, 2011; Snow and gray, Tiny in Dec. 2013 Red squirrels; Fox squirrels; Size comparisons of a red squirrel (with an eastern chipmunk and a gray squirrel); A remarkable red squirrel
The night visitor: a raccoon; and a daytime raccoon encounter
White-tailed fawns; white-tailed deer and the leaf; encountering a white-tailed fawn
Eastern cottontail; the bunny hop; and Baby cottontail
An opossum; Peggy the opossum (2011); and a young opossum climbing a rose of sharon (2014)
Red fox Black bear and a young black bear visit

American toads in love

Dragonflies: Twelve-spotted skimmer; an orange meadowhawk; the orange meadowhawk is a cherry-faced meadowhawk; the eastern pondhawk; flight photos of a common green darner; the widow skimmers; male and female eastern amberwings; male and female blue dashers

Damselflies: Spreadwing damselfly
ebony jewelwing; Danny teaches spreadwing damselfly yoga

Bees: A tiny bee with much pollen; carpenter bee eyes; a vivid green bee (or wasp); bumblebee macros; celebration of bumblebees; a tricolored bumblebee; and the fuzzy perplexing bumblebee

Bugs: Golden-backed snipe fly; a praying mantis; friendly macro scenes; an assassin bug; a hovering grasshopper; hoverfly close-ups; a yellow garden spider

Flowers: A blossom pair Two Flower macros Hibiscus flowers "Soft" magnolia blossom Dreamy roses of Sharon Touch-me-not and dewdrops A lovely bouquet Coltsfoot New England aster (and bug friends) Flowering dogwood Water lily mandala

From Sept. 2013: A miscellaneous selection of three photos on a subject: first birds, next butterflies, and, finally, damselflies
From 2013: A photo overview of November

Aerial duel between a raven and a red-tailed hawk American toad Blue water bowl Damselflies; and More damselflies; and Two dragonfly and a tiny red dragonfly and a happy dragonfly Fireworks 2005 and 2006 and 2009 and 2012 Foggy landscapes Frogs: bullfrogs, spring peepers, and wood frogs Giant ice sculptures A green bee Hawks: Fall 2005 hawk watch; Red-tailed hawk portraits and Says hey; Jo Hayes Vista, fall 2008; Identify that hawk, 2009. Hummingbird moth Ice landscapes by moonlight Ice X ten: forest icicles Icicles: Simple and complex, Dreamy and plane, Columns and bridge, amazing ice patterns, ice art and snow creatures, or more icicles Jacks Mountain Hawkwatch, spring 2008 Misty and frosty photos, Dec. 2015 Knock knock: A red-bellied woodpecker wakes up a flying squirrel Starlings mobbing a Cooper's hawk: patterns Tundra swan patterns Turtles: eastern painted turtle, snapping turtle, Mom snapping turtle; 2011 mom snapping turtles; 2015 mom snapping turtle portrait; 16-sec video of a snapping turtle walking; annual snapping turtle festivities, 2019. At Tussey Mountain: A red-tailed hawk Turkey vultures and golden eagles at Tussey Mountain Tussey spring 2006 hawk watch Winter dewdrop worlds

Bald Eagle State Park, Pennsylvania
Bald eagle flight, Eagle watch 1, eagle watch 2, (the best) Eagle watch 3 Monarch butterfly roundup Wild Resource Festival Immature bald eagle (2007) Eagle family watch May 30, 2009 and June 19, 2009 Eagle family watch June 11, 2010 and June 17, 2010

Middle Creek Wildlife Management Area (80,000 snow geese, March 2009)
Photos: Snow geese Swarming sequence Tundra swan and 2 snow geese wearing bands Individual snow geese
Videos: Snow geese flyby (3.8 megs) and the goosestorm (15.3 megs)
Middle Creek, 2010
Photos: snow geese on ice and the beginning of a great swarm Blue snow geese Favorite snow geese Remembering
Videos: A brief swarm (16 seconds) Massive snow goose swarm (80 seconds)

Middle Creek, 2011
Photos: Two intense swarm photos Challenged flying Tundra swans at Middle Creek
Videos: Heart of a Swarm (34 seconds, 3.8 megs) and Every Which Way (55 seconds, 5.5 megs)

Middle Creek, 2012
Photos: Lovely tundra swans
Videos: Beginnings (13 seconds, 1.1 megs) and Swarming (41 seconds, 2.8 megs)

Middle Creek, 2012
Photos: Bald eagle fishing Tundra swans in flight and more flight photos

Long Island
Autumn flower macros Bayard Cutting Arboretum & young bunny Birds along the north fork Callery pear Canadian gosling 75 days with a Canadian goose family Catkin to leaf: 6 Aspen macros and Aspen overview Explosive heart of a daisy Firry snowman Flower to leaf: 5 Norway maple macros Fowler's toad & 2 macros Golden Eyes: a garter snake Hawk 2001: ice storm Pseudo ladybug Sunset . . . with flare

Saddle Rock (Long Island)
Backlit flowers Black-eyed Susans and punk bee Blue jay and cardinal A blue jay story Bunny hop Colorful damsels Extreme ladybugs & Ladybug antics Geodesic dandelion seeds Indian blanket Iris yellow flag Light through dewdrop Mallard family values Merlin: a pretty falcon Nightshade and other macros Nuthatch and kinglet Patience on the balcony Pinecone babies pussy willow catkins in bloom and growth cycle of female catkins on a white birch Rhododendrons Rose & bee, Hoverfly Snowstorm (night), 2003 Spring 2002 flower macros Spring 2003: first pussy willow catkins and first crocuses Spring 2022 Tiger swallowtail Water lilies 1 and 2 Web dewdrops Wetland in winter Wild violets

Centre Wildlife Care (CWC)
Wild About Animals, Apr. 11, 2009, includes pages of photos and video || Visiting Centre Wildlife Care (2011)
Wild About Animals 2010, Apr. 3, 2010
Wild About Animals 2011, Apr. 27, 2011
Wild About Animals 2012, Apr. 7, 2012
Wild About Animals 2013, Mar. 16, 2013
Wild About Animals 2014, Mar. 29, 2014
Wild About Animals 2015, April 4, 2015
One Wild Night: Food, wine, entertainment, and wildlife, Nov. 14, 2015
Wild About Animals 2016, Mar. 26, 2016
Wild About Animals 2017, Apr. 15, 2017
Wild About Animals 2018, Mar. 31, 2018
Wild About Animals 2019, Apr. 20, 2019

CWC releases
A chronological list of my photographed releases (photo link on left, text on right)

CWC activities
Banding: Seven owls (including a snowy), March 2018 United Way's Day of Caring, Oct. 2013 Banding two short-eared owls, May 2014 Day of Caring, Oct. 2014

An undefined miscellany

Centre County PAWS Walk-A-Thon, Apr. 18, 2009

First K9 Veterans Day at the PA Military Museum, 18 Mar. 2012

Clip art? Bobbie Peachey! An alien lifeform . . . or a hibiscus? Butterfly macros (Red admiral!) Everyone knows . . . The fisheye and the corkscrew willow Flower macros Forsythias ice macros Idle remarks (thoughts after 3 a.m.) Jan Martin, Best Friends, and Tylertown Jim Baen, 1943-2006 Looking outside (Jan. 2014) Oncoming glider 2003 lunar eclipse; a big moon photo; 2019 lunar eclipse sequence Northern Lights Peeking dove and "donut" bokeh Remembering whiteout spring '98 (via photos) Spring 2001: dew drops Spring 2003: Tree seed macros Spring 2007: Seven signs Sunspot 930 3 zooms to dew Venus transit Ultra wide angle versus wide angle photography Yes people Zuni fetishes My review of Philomena's Homecoming

Landscapes by moonlight: Moonlight, snow, and stars, Jan. 2014; by the light of a crescent moon, Feb. 2014; two more and another three, Feb. 2015; moonscapes, Mar. 2015; moonscapes before the moon had risen, Mar. 2015; three moonscapes, Feb. 2016; moonscapes, Feb. 2020.


The first incarnation of these pages began 24 June 1995; the present one, at my own domain, began 25 October 1997.

Writing and DTP

Fantasy and Science Fiction Writing
My bibliography, including comments on stories and magazines.
A reading: Masters of Fiction Coffeehouse, Schlow Library, Feb. 2009

Centre Daily Times, June 2014
Centre County Gazette, Feb. 2014

Confluence (SF convention, Pittsburgh)
Video: Susan Hanniford Crowley reading from her novel the Vampire Princess of New York, 2017
Video: My reading the first chapter of Into the Horsebutt Nebula, 2017

Editing experiences
Alas the en dash Danger! Passive Voice Font selection (standard manuscript preparation) No time for Times William Morris: the Victorian who wasn't (with a free font)

A few of my older book projects
Beautiful Soup by Harvey Jacobs; remembering Harvey
A Brother Like Me by Harry Dunbar; Obituary; Highlights from Dunbar on Black Books
Growing the Soul by Anita Kirschner

                   Member of
                    Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America

Copyright © 1995 to 2025 by Chet Gottfried.

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